The team at Robin & Rochester are proud to offer our legal assistance and eviction service for landlords outside our current client portfolio.

Contrary to popular belief, landlords aren’t all millionaires. Endless months with no rent while the long and at times complex procedure of notice serving and court hearings are undertaken can be incredibly stressful for any landlord. Mortgage payments begin to accumulate and soon many find themselves facing a financial crisis.

While no investment is without risk, there are many ways to ensure the risk is controlled and any damages mitigated. Unfortunately it is far too common that these steps are not taken – frequently due to poor advice and management.

Our legal assistance and eviction service, similar in nature to that of our management, is bespoke and tailored to your specific requirements. We can help you with every stage of the process: from simple advice on dealing with a problematic tenant to preparing and serving notices, up to and including full eviction and attendance in court.

More importantly, we will ensure that once the issue has been dealt with, you are correctly informed on how to better protect yourself and your investment for the future. None of us are perfect, and we all make mistakes – but we should learn from them where possible!
